Overview of the Zendesk App

This guide helps you set up the Bugpilot App for Zendesk.

What this app does

The Bugpilot app makes it easy to collect detailed technical information from your end users right when they encounter a problem. With the Zendesk app, you will be able to:

If you already have the app installed, you may want to read the How to use the app article instead.

How to set up the app

If you don't have one, create an account on Bugpilot.

Setting up Bugpilot takes three simple steps:

  1. Install the app from Zendesk Store
  2. Add the Bugpilot tracking code

Install the app from Zendesk Marketplace

Go to your Bugpilot dashboard, and click the settings Icon to open the Setup page.

Under Getting started, click on the Add to Zendesk button, as highlighted in the screenshot below:


Confirm that you want to proceed with the installation and click the green button named Authorize Access.

After approving the necessary permissions, you will be redirected to the Bugpilot dashboard to complete the setup.

Add the Bugpilot tracking code

Before Bugpilot will start working, you'll need to install the Bugpilot tracking code on your website or app. From your Bugpilot Dashboard, follow the instructions provided under Get the tracking code and follow instructions.